The entire cow family is cared for as our own children, with every cow, male female, young old, being cared for and nurtured.
The ISKCON Law 507 establishes cow protection standards within ISKCON (International Society for Krishna Consciousness) that have been formulated by experienced devotees to prevent mistreatment of cows and align with His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Shrila Prabhupada's (Founder of ISKCON) vision of cow protection. The standards cover various aspects such as lifetime protection, daily observation of the herd, records keeping, fencing, safety and security measures, and proper care during death or calf mortality.
By Janmastami 2022 all ISKCON centers should develop a plan whereby all milk and milk products - butter, ghee, yogurt etc. offered to the deities are procured from protected cows. The centers may approach the International Ministry of Cow Protection for assistance.
As per the ISKCON Law 507
Ensure lifelong protection for cows and bulls by conducting daily observations, maintaining records, and using recommended fencing. Care for dying cows and bulls and keep calf mortality rate below 5%. Weekly health checks and barbed wire use in low-pressure areas are permitted.
All cows and bulls are protected for life. Dedicated ashrams ensure proper care & monitoring of bulls and dying cows. Real-time cow health data is integrated on the consumer app using AI /ML technology.
As per the ISKCON Law 507
Provide winter and summer shelters with clean water, feed, shade, sunlight, ventilation, dry bedding, and clean feeding conditions. Clean rest areas with rubber bedding are permitted.
In our hearts, cows are revered as beloved family. They find a home with our devoted farmers, fostering a profound bond. Cows become integral to our lives, receiving the love and care they truly deserve, flourishing in a harmonious environment.
As per the ISKCON Law 507
Offer pasturing facilities, appropriate diets, water, and vegetarian salt. Supervise feeding and provide sufficient feeding space. Hay or feed supplementation is permitted. Avoid total confinement, feeding slaughter by-products, and careless inclusion of indigestible items.
Our beloved cows revel in spacious pastures grazing to their heart's content - all thoughtfully supervised. Haribol's commitment to 'ahimsa' ensures that no indigestible items find their way to our cows. We take immense pride in providing them with the best care and love they deserve.
As per the ISKCON Law 507
Train cows for safety, milk by hand, brush them daily, and ensure calf-mother association. Gradual weaning and proper feeding are recommended. Milking by hand and bottle feeding calves are permitted
Calves come first, milking only begins thereafter. and with care. We cherish "matri-sambandha," letting cows bond with calves, practicing gradual weaning and thoughtful feeding. Our gentle, manual milking and tender bottle-feeding embody the spirit of 'karuna' throughout our dairy journey.
As per the ISKCON Law 507
Inseminate cows with bulls kept at the farm, maintain proper enclosures, and keep breeding records to avoid inbreeding. Using community or neighbour’s bulls when necessary and artificial insemination in special circumstances are permitted.
Natural mating is our preference, promoting a harmonious environment. Yet, to ensure the prevention of in-breeding, we employ artificial insemination on rare occasions. We prioritize the well-being of our cows through organic and humane practices - the essence of our compassionate approach to dairy farming.